The Hoot Poetry Reading with the PPLP
Date: Wednesday Apr 5, 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
Event Category: Books & Poetry
Portsmouth Book and Bar
40 Pleasant St
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Book Launch Party for Crow Funeral
Kate Hanson Foster
is the author of Mid Drift, a finalist for the Massachusetts Center for the Book Award. Her writing has appeared in Birmingham Poetry Review, Comstock Review, Harpur Palate, Poet Lore, Salamander, Tupelo Quarterly, and elsewhere. A recipient of the NEA Parent Fellowship through the Vermont Studio Center, she lives and writes in Groton, Massachusetts.
Matt W. Miller
was born and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts. He is the author of Tender the River (Texas Review Press), The Wounded for the Water (Salmon Poetry) , Club Icarus (University of North Texas Press), selected by Major Jackson as the 2012 Vassar Miller Poetry Prize winner, and Cameo Diner: Poems (Loom). He has published work previously in Slate, Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Southwest Review, Southeast Review, Florida Review, Third Coast, The Rumpus, Poetry Daily, and other journals. He teaches English and coaches football at Phillips Exeter Academy where he also co-directs the Writers’ Workshop at Exeter.
Award-winning poet, playwright and songwriter, Todd Hearon
is the author of three collections of poems—Strange Land (Southern Illinois University Press, 2010), No Other Gods (Salmon Poetry, 2015) and Crows in Eden (Salmon, 2022)—a novella, DO GEESE SEE GOD (Neutral Zones Press, 2021), and the studio album, Border Radio, which was listed as “Best Music of the Seacoast” in 2021. His poems, essays and plays have appeared widely in this country and abroad. He is the recipient of a PEN/New England “Discovery” Award, the Friends of Literature Prize (Poetry magazine and the Poetry Foundation), the Rumi Prize in Poetry (Arts & Letters), and the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize (Sarah Lawrence College). Born in Texas and raised in North Carolina, he lives in Exeter, New Hampshire, and teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy.
Michael Kleber-Diggs
(KLEE-burr digs) (he / him / his) is a poet, essayist, literary critic, and arts educator. His debut poetry collection, Worldly Things (Milkweed Editions 2021), won the Max Ritvo Poetry Prize, the 2022 Hefner Heitz Kansas Book Award in Poetry, and is a finalist for the 2022 Minnesota Book Award. His poems and essays appear in numerous journals and anthologies. Michael is married to Karen Kleber-Diggs, a tropical horticulturist and orchid specialist. Karen and Michael have a daughter who is pursuing a BFA in Dance Performance at SUNY Purchase.

June Hoot with Bertha Rogers and Kate Hanson Foster
June Hoot with Bertha Rogers and Kate Hanson Foster
Wed Jun 3, 2020
, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Women & Work: Historic & Contemporary Takes - An Evening of Poetry and Theatre
Ground Floor Community / Meeting RoomMain Branch401 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA, 01852
Poetry Reading and Sneek Peek at MRT's production of The Lowell Offering
featuring Kate Hanson Foster, Sarah Sousa, and Cindy Veach with cast members of The Lowell Offering.
Reading/Craft Talk w/ Poets C Veach, M Miller, K. Hanson Foster
Kate Hanson Foster's first book of poems, Mid Drift, was published by Loom Press and was a finalist for the Massachusetts Center for the Book Award in 2011. Her poetry has appeared in Comstock Review, Harpur Palate, Poet Lore, Salamander, Tupelo Quarterly and elsewhere. She was recently awarded the NEA Parent Fellowship through the Vermont Studio Center. She lives and writes in Groton, Massachusetts.
Matt W Miller was born and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts. He is the author of The Wounded for the Water (Salmon Poetry), Club Icarus (University of North Texas Press), selected by Major Jackson as the 2012 Vassar Miller Poetry Prize winner, and Cameo Diner: Poems (Loom). He has published work previously in Slate, Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Southwest Review, Southeast Review, Florida Review, Third Coast, The Rumpus, Poetry Daily, and other journals. He was winner of the 2015 River Styx Micro-Beer, Micro-fiction Prize and Iron Horse Review's 2015 Trifecta Poetry Prize. He has been awarded a Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Poetry and a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in Poetry from Sewanee Writers' Conference. He has taught creative writing and literature at Stanford University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, New England College, Harvard Extension and the Concord State Prison for Men. He teaches English and coaches football at Phillips Exeter Academy where he also co-directs the Writers’ Workshop at Exeter. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife Emily Meehan and their children Delaney and Joseph.
Cindy Veach is the author of Gloved Against Blood (CavanKerry Press), named a 2018 Paterson Poetry Prize finalist. Her poems have appeared in The Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, AGNI, Chicago Review, Prairie Schooner, Sugar House Review, Poet Lore, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Journal, North American Review, Verse Daily, Salamander and elsewhere. Her sonnet crown, "Witch Kitsch," was selected by Marilyn Nelson for the 2018 Samuel Washington Allen Prize (New England Poetry Club).

The Second Day of Summer: A Silo Series Evening of Poetry
The day after the longest day of the year, we will gather in The Word Barn for a Silo Series reading featuring three fine poets -- Kate Hanson Foster, Jon Lemay and Shira Dentz.
Please come celebrate the beginning of summer in the barn!
Reading begins at 7pm, doors at 6:30pm
$5 suggested donation
beer, wine, water -- for suggested donation
coffee/tea/treats -- complimentary

Benefit Reading to Support the YMCA
Join us for this free event to benefit the Lowell YMCA as award-winning writers Matt W. Miller, Kate Hanson Foster and David Moloney read from their work.
This will be the Lowell book release of Miller's new collection The Wounded for the Water with proceeds from book sales going to benefit the Lowell YMCA.
Cash bar with light fare served.
Red Sox and Pats tickets along with other prizes will be raffled off to benefit the Lowell YMCA.
Doors open for cocktails and appetizers at 6pm with the reading to start at 7pm.
The johnmac Radio Show
From John Mac:
Join me on this week's johnmac Radio Show (Sunday, August 13th at 7PM Eastern Time) for my conversation with poet, author and essayist Kate Hanson Foster by clicking here and or by dialing 646 716–9756 on your phone (use your phone to join us on the air; I usually hold calls until near the end of my interview of my guest). This episode of the show the show with Kate will be the 200th broadcast in the series?—?links to the recordings of the previous 199 shows may be found at under the Radio Show tab.